The 7 dimensions of ABA are generality, effective, technological, applied, conceptually systematic, analytical, and behavioral.
Generality: Generality explains that learned skills can be utilized in different environments across different individuals.
Effective: In ABA, data is collected, and interventions are closely monitored to ensure improvement.
Technological: Provide interventions in applied behavior analysis that are described clearly and concisely so procedures can be implemented accurately.
Applied: Applied simply means that the interventions should be impactful for the learner in their daily lives.
Conceptually: This dimension allows providers to not only understand what they are doing but why they are doing it.
Analytical: . When an intervention is being implemented, data is carefully collected to determine the success of the intervention. Behavior analysts make data-driven decisions regarding interventions based on objective observations made.
Behavioral: Behavior is observable and measurable. When considering an intervention, a behavior analyst will objectively define a target behavior that can be easily observed and measured.